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Index of physics articles (H) : ウィキペディア英語版
Index of physics articles (H)
The index of physics articles is split into multiple pages due to its size.
To navigate by individual letter use the table of contents below.

*H-stable potential
*H. Dieter Zeh
*H. Eugene Stanley
*H. J. Round
*H. Jay Melosh
*H. Pierre Noyes
*H. Richard Crane
*H. Stanley Allen
*H1 (particle detector)
*HERMES experiment
*Haag's theorem
*Haag–Lopuszanski–Sohnius theorem
*Hadamard–Rybczynski equation
*Hadron Elektron Ring Anlage
*Hadron epoch
*Hadron spectroscopy
*Hafele–Keating experiment
*Hafnium controversy
*Hagedorn temperature
*Hagen Kleinert
*Hagen–Poiseuille equation
*Hagen–Poiseuille flow from the Navier–Stokes equations
*Haidinger fringe
*Haim Harari
*Hajo Meyer
*Hal Anger
*Halbach array
*Halden Boiling Water Reactor
*Halden Reactor
*Half-value layer
*Half time (physics)
*Hall effect
*Hall effect sensor
*Hall effect thruster
*Hall probe
*Halo (optical phenomenon)
*Halo Occupation Distribution
*Halo nucleus
*Halothermal circulation
*Halpin–Tsai model
*Halton Arp
*Hamilton's principal function
*Hamilton's principle
*Hamiltonian (quantum mechanics)
*Hamiltonian constraint
*Hamiltonian fluid mechanics
*Hamiltonian lattice gauge theory
*Hamiltonian mechanics
*Hamiltonian system
*Hamiltonian vector field
*Hamilton–Jacobi equation
*Hammar experiment
*Hampson–Linde cycle
*Hanany–Witten transition
*Hanbury Brown and Twiss effect
*Hand boiler
*Handbook of Porphyrin Science
*Hang gliding
*Hanna Nasser (academic)
*Hannay angle
*Hannes Alfvén
*Hannes Alfvén Prize
*Hanns Hörbiger
*Hannspeter Winter
*Hans-Arwed Weidenmüller
*Hans-Dieter Betz
*Hans-Hermann Hupfeld
*Hans-Joachim Queisser
*Hans-Peter Dürr
*Hans Albert Einstein
*Hans Benndorf
*Hans Bethe
*Hans Breuer (physicist)
*Hans Christian von Baeyer
*Hans Christian Ørsted
*Hans Eduard Suess
*Hans Ferdinand Mayer
*Hans Frauenfelder
*Hans G. Hornung
*Hans Geiger
*Hans Georg Dehmelt
*Hans Grassmann
*Hans Hellmann
*Hans Henrik Andersen
*Hans Hollmann
*Hans K. Ziegler
*Hans Kopfermann
*Hans Kramers
*Hans Kronberger (physicist)
*Hans Lippershey
*Hans Reissner
*Hans Suess
*Hans Thirring
*Hans Volker Klapdor-Kleingrothaus
*Hans W. Liepmann
*Hans Wolter
*Hans von Halban
*Hans von Ohain
*Hansjoerg Dittus
*Hantaro Nagaoka
*Harald Herborg Nielsen
*Harald Keres
*Harald Lesch
*Harald Schering
*Harald Wergeland
*Hard radiation
*Hard spheres
*Harlan True Stetson
*Harley Rutledge
*Harmonic coordinate condition
*Harmonic oscillator
*Harmonic superspace
*Harmonices Mundi
*Harold A. Wilson (physicist)
*Harold Agnew
*Harold E. Johns
*Harold E. Puthoff
*Harold Furth
*Harold Hopkins
*Harold Jeffreys
*Harold L. Brode
*Harold Max Rosenberg
*Harold McCarter Taylor
*Harold McMaster
*Harold Neville Vazeille Temperley
*Harold R. Kaufman
*Harold Warris Thompson
*Harrie Massey
*Harriet Brooks
*Harris functional
*Harrison Brown
*Harry Boot
*Harry Hammond Hess
*Harry J. Lipkin
*Harry K. Daghlian, Jr.
*Harry Kloor
*Harry Kroger
*Harry Lehmann
*Harry Messel
*Harry Swinney
*Harry Zvi Tabor
*Hartland Snyder
*Hartle–Hawking state
*Hartman effect
*Hartmut Kallmann
*Hartree–Fock method
*Harvard Project Physics
*Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
*Harvey Einbinder
*Harvey Fletcher
*Hasegawa–Mima equation
*Hassan Aref
*Hassan Jawahery
*Haverah Park experiment
*Havriliak–Negami relaxation
*Hawking energy
*Hawking radiation
*Hayashi track
*Hayes similitude principle
*Haynes–Shockley experiment
*Hazen–Williams equation
*He Xiantu
*Head-related transfer function
*Head of tide
*Head shadow
*Heat bath
*Heat capacity
*Heat capacity ratio
*Heat current
*Heat death of the universe
*Heat engine
*Heat equation
*Heat flux
*Heat generation in integrated circuits
*Heat kernel
*Heat loss due to linear thermal bridging
*Heat of sublimation
*Heat pump
*Heat pump and refrigeration cycle
*Heat spreader
*Heat transfer
*Heat transfer coefficient
*Heat transmission
*Heather Couper
*Heather Reid
*Heating pad
*Heaviside condition
*Heavy Rydberg system
*Heavy neutrino
*Heavy water
*Hedwig Kohn
*Heidi Jo Newberg
*Heike Kamerlingh Onnes
*Heim theory
*Heino Finkelmann
*Heinrich Barkhausen
*Heinrich Bürger
*Heinrich Friedrich Weber
*Heinrich Geißler
*Heinrich Greinacher
*Heinrich Gustav Magnus
*Heinrich Hertz
*Heinrich Kayser
*Heinrich Konen
*Heinrich Lenz
*Heinrich Ott (physicist)
*Heinrich Rohrer
*Heinrich Rubens
*Heinrich Streintz
*Heinrich Welker
*Heinrich Wilhelm Brandes
*Heinrich Wilhelm Dove
*Heinrich Wilhelm Matthias Olbers
*Heinrich von Wild
*Heinz-Jürgen Kluge
*Heinz Barwich
*Heinz Kohnen
*Heinz London
*Heinz Maier-Leibnitz
*Heinz Oberhummer
*Heinz Pagels
*Heinz Pose
*Heisenberg's microscope
*Heisenberg model (quantum)
*Heisenberg picture
*Heisler Chart
*Hele-Shaw flow
*Helen Quinn
*Helen T. Edwards
*Helically Symmetric Experiment
*Helicity (particle physics)
*Helicity basis
*Helicon (physics)
*Helicon discharge
*Helikon vortex separation process
*Heliospheric current sheet
*Helium-3 refrigerator
*Helium atom
*Helium atom scattering
*Helium flash
*Helium fusion
*Helium line ratio
*Helium mass spectrometer
*Helium planet
*Helium–neon laser
*Helix–coil transition model
*Hellmann–Feynman theorem
*Hellmut Fritzsche
*Helmholtz's theorems
*Helmholtz coil
*Helmholtz decomposition
*Helmholtz equation
*Helmholtz flow
*Helmholtz free energy
*Helmholtz reciprocity
*Helmholtz resonance
*Helmholtz theorem (classical mechanics)
*Helmut Gröttrup
*Helmut Hönl
*Helmut Volz
*Helsinki Institute of Physics
*Hendricus Stoof
*Hendrik Casimir
*Hendrik Lorentz
*Hendrik Tennekes
*Hendrik Wade Bode
*Henri Bacry
*Henri Becquerel
*Henri Buisson
*Henri Bénard
*Henri Chrétien
*Henri Daniel Rathgeber
*Henri Pitot
*Henri Poincaré
*Henri Poincaré Prize
*Henri Victor Regnault
*Henrik Svensmark
*Henry's law
*Henry (unit)
*Henry Andrews Bumstead
*Henry Augustus Rowland
*Henry Brose
*Henry Cabourn Pocklington
*Henry Cavendish
*Henry Coddington
*Henry Darcy
*Henry DeWolf Smyth
*Henry Draper Medal
*Henry Duckworth
*Henry Gale (astrophysicist)
*Henry Gellibrand
*Henry H. Barschall
*Henry Hemmendinger
*Henry Hurwitz, Jr.
*Henry Kater
*Henry Katzenstein
*Henry Kolm
*Henry Lipson
*Henry M. Foley
*Henry Margenau
*Henry Minchin Noad
*Henry Moseley
*Henry Primakoff
*Henry S. Valk
*Henry Smith Carhart
*Henry Stapp
*Henry Tye
*Henry Way Kendall
*Henryk Niewodniczański
*Henyey track
*Herbert A. Hauptman
*Herbert Arthur Stuart
*Herbert Callen
*Herbert Dingle
*Herbert E. Ives
*Herbert Friedman
*Herbert Fröhlich
*Herbert Gleiter
*Herbert Goldstein
*Herbert Gursky
*Herbert Huppert
*Herbert Kroemer
*Herbert L. Anderson
*Herbert Mataré
*Herbert S. Green
*Herbert Walther
*Herbert Wilson
*Herbert York
*Herbig–Haro object
*Herman Branson
*Herman Carr
*Herman Chernoff
*Herman Feshbach
*Herman March
*Herman Verlinde
*Herman Z. Cummins
*Hermann Arthur Jahn
*Hermann Bondi
*Hermann Brück
*Hermann Glauert
*Hermann Grassmann
*Hermann Haken
*Hermann Knoblauch
*Hermann Minkowski
*Hermann Oberth
*Hermann Schlichting
*Hermann Weyl
*Hermann von Helmholtz
*Hermann–Mauguin notation
*Hermetic detector
*Heron's fountain
*Herschel–Bulkley fluid
*Hertha Sponer
*Hertha Wambacher
*Hertzsprung gap
*Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
*Herwig Schopper
*Hess's law
*Hessel de Vries
*Heteroclinic cycle
*Heteroclinic orbit
*Heterojunction bipolar transistor
*Heterotic string
*Heusler alloy
*Hexagonal crystal system
*Hexagonally closed packed metal
*Hexatic fluid phase
*Hicks Building
*Hidden sector
*Hidden subgroup problem
*Hidden variable theory
*Hideki Yukawa
*Hideo Mabuchi
*Hidetsugu Ikegami
*Hierarchy problem
*Higgs boson
*Higgs field
*Higgs mechanism
*Higgs phase
*Higgs sector
*High-Z Supernova Search Team
*High-altitude wind power
*High-efficiency hybrid cycle
*High-energy X-rays
*High-energy visible light
*High-intensity focused ultrasound
*High-k dielectric
*High-lift device
*High-refractive-index polymer
*High-resolution scheme
*High-temperature electrolysis
*High-temperature superconductivity
*High Energy Stereoscopic System
*High Flux Australian Reactor
*High Flux Isotope Reactor
*High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program
*High Resolution Fly's Eye Cosmic Ray Detector
*High Speed Photometer
*High energy nuclear physics
*High frequency
*High frequency approximation
*High pressure
*High pressure physics
*High voltage
*Higher-dimensional Einstein gravity
*Higher-dimensional supergravity
*Higher spin alternating sign matrix
*Highly charged ion
*Hilbert C

*Hilbert space
*Hilbert spectrum
*Hilbrand J. Groenewold
*Hilding Faxén
*Hillard Bell Huntington
*Hilmi Volkan Demir
*Himiko (Lyman-alpha blob)
*Hippolyte Fizeau
*Hiromichi Kataura
*Hiroo Kanamori
*Hirosi Ooguri
*Hiss (electromagnetic)
*History of Lorentz transformations
*History of Mars observation
*History of Planck's law
*History of Solar System formation and evolution hypotheses
*History of X-ray astronomy
*History of centrifugal and centripetal forces
*History of classical mechanics
*History of electrical engineering
*History of electromagnetic theory
*History of electrophoresis
*History of entropy
*History of experiments
*History of fluid mechanics
*History of gamma-ray burst research
*History of general relativity
*History of geomagnetism
*History of geophysics
*History of gravitational theory
*History of heat
*History of loop quantum gravity
*History of materials science
*History of metamaterials
*History of nuclear weapons
*History of optics
*History of physics
*History of quantum field theory
*History of quantum mechanics
*History of radio
*History of special relativity
*History of spectroscopy
*History of string theory
*History of superconductivity
*History of the Big Bang theory
*History of the Earth
*History of the battery
*History of the metre
*History of the metric system
*History of the periodic table
*History of the transistor
*History of thermodynamics
*History of variational principles in physics
*Hjulström curve
*Hofmeister series
*Hofstadter's butterfly
*Hole argument
*Holevo's theorem
*Holger Bech Nielsen
*Hollow-cathode lamp
*Hollow Earth
*Holographic interferometry
*Holographic principle
*Holographic sensor
*Holon (physics)
*Holonomic basis
*Holonomic constraints
*Holstein–Herring method
*Holstein–Primakoff transformation
*Homentropic flow
*Homer Dudley
*Homer L. Dodge
*Homes's law
*Homestake Mine (South Dakota)
*Homestake experiment
*Homi J. Bhabha
*Homoclinic orbit
*Homogeneity (physics)
*Homogeneity and heterogeneity
*Homogeneous broadening
*Homogeneous isotropic turbulence
*Homologous temperature
*Homotopy analysis method
*Hongjie Dai
*Hooke's law
*Hoop Conjecture
*Hopkinson's law
*Horace-Bénédict de Saussure
*Horace Hearne Institute
*Horace Lamb
*Horaţiu Năstase
*Horizon (general relativity)
*Horizon problem
*Horizontal Falls
*Horizontal plane
*Horn antenna
*Horror vacui (physics)
*Horseshoe orbit
*Horseshoe vortex
*Horst Korsching
*Horst Ludwig Störmer
*Horst Stöcker
*Host galaxy
*Hot-carrier injection
*Hot chocolate effect
*Hot electron
*Hot spot effect in subatomic physics
*Hough function
*How to Build a Time Machine
*Howard A. Stone
*Howard Berg
*Howard Brandt
*Howard Georgi
*Howard Grubb
*Howard H. Aiken
*Howard J. Van Till
*Howard M. Wiseman
*Howard P. Robertson
*Howard Petch
*Howard Wilson Emmons
*Howell Peregrine
*Hoyle–Narlikar theory of gravity
*Hořava–Lifshitz gravity
*Hořava–Witten domain wall
*Hu Jimin
*Hu Ning
*Huang Kun
*Hubbard model
*Hubble's law
*Hubble Bubble (astronomy)
*Hubble Deep Field
*Hubble Deep Field South
*Hubble Extreme Deep Field
*Hubble Ultra-Deep Field
*Hubble volume
*Huber's equation
*Hubert Chanson
*Hubert Curien
*Hubert Reeves
*Hubert Yockey
*Huchra's lens
*Huemul Project
*Hugh Bradner
*Hugh David Politzer
*Hugh E. Montgomery
*Hugh Everett III
*Hugh Latimer Dryden
*Hugh Le Caine
*Hugh Longbourne Callendar
*Hugh Ross (creationist)
*Hugh W. Hardy
*Hughes–Drever experiment
*Hugo Benioff
*Hugo Christiaan Hamaker
*Hugo Rietveld
*Hugo Tetrode
*Hull speed
*Human echolocation
*Humphrey Maris
*Humphreys series
*Hund's rule of maximum multiplicity
*Hund's rules
*Hundred-year wave
*Hung Cheng
*Hunter Rouse
*Hunter–Saxton equation
*Hunting oscillation
*Husimi Q representation
*Huygens–Fresnel principle
*Hybrid airship
*Hybrid functional
*Hybrid image
*Hybrid solar cell
*Hydraulic accumulator
*Hydraulic circuit
*Hydraulic cylinder
*Hydraulic diameter
*Hydraulic fluid
*Hydraulic head
*Hydraulic jump
*Hydraulic jumps in rectangular channels
*Hydraulic machinery
*Hydraulic manifold
*Hydrodynamic stability
*Hydrodynamical helicity
*Hydrogen-burning process
*Hydrogen-like atom
*Hydrogen anion
*Hydrogen atom
*Hydrogen bomb
*Hydrogen embrittlement
*Hydrogen fluoride laser
*Hydrogen ion
*Hydrogen ion cluster
*Hydrogen line
*Hydrogen maser
*Hydrogen silsesquioxane
*Hydrogen spectral series
*Hydrostatic equilibrium
*Hydrostatic fluid
*Hydrothermal synthesis
*Hydroxyl ion absorption
*Hyperbolic coordinates
*Hyperbolic equilibrium point
*Hyperbolic motion (relativity)
*Hyperbolic orthogonality
*Hyperbolic quaternion
*Hyperbolic set
*Hyperbolic trajectory
*Hypercompact stellar system
*Hyperelastic material
*Hyperfine structure
*Hypernetted-chain equation
*Hyperpolarization (physics)
*Hyperradiant Fresnel lens
*Hypersonic effect
*Hypersonic speed
*Hypersonic wind tunnel
*Hyperspace (book)
*Hyperspectral imaging
*Hyporheic zone
*Hypotheses non fingo
*Hypothetical star
*Hypsochromic shift
*Hypsometric equation
*Hélène Langevin-Joliot
*Hückel method

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